Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep...

It's almost 4 am again.

This seems to be a pattern.

Today has been another day of emotional ups and downs.  I'm learning to deal (slowly, but surely) with this rollercoaster.  I think what I'm learning most of all is that all emotion is deceiving to some degree.  We feel therefore we are what we feel.  Lately I've been feeling hurt, abandoned, confused, angry, etc...and I've manifested those feelings into a physical identity.

"I feel this way, therefore I am this way."

This is a lie.  We are not our emotions.  Of course all people are entitled to emotion, we should feel and I don't know that I would love to live a life devoid of emotion however I'm coming to realize more and more every day that my emotions are just that, emotion, temporal.  Who I am is far more than that.

Who you are is much more than that.

I don't have much more to say.  I'm tired and I have a big day tomorrow. 

Thanks for reading.


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